Monday, July 14, 2008

Reeling - Most Overrated Films???

Reeling - April 17, 2008
Hosted by Ben Flanagan
Guests: Matt Scalici, Phil Owen

LISTEN TO THE SHOW!!! Click below:

While I'd thought not to do the show today, thanks to several distractions, I decided to try something anyway and call past guests for their impromptu thoughts on what they felt were overrated movies.

Matt Scalici and Phil Owen both offered the SAME movie as their first selection? Are they in cahoots? And what was their selection??? A CLOCKWORK ORANGE!

Are they insane? To give them the benefit of the doubt, it sounds like neither of the two has actually seen the film. I mean I did put them on the spot, so they could have thought, "What would make me sound cool and smarmy?"

If you ask me, both come across similarly to the name of the character you see above. But they are certainly entitled to their weird opinions. And I guess we should respect them.

Either way, thanks to them for appearing on such short notice.

There is a long songbreak between guests (but the music's not bad), so skip ahead or enjoy the tunes.

While on the subject, what are the most overrated movies you've come across?

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