Friday, July 18, 2008

About skipping that midnight show...

So I caved (er, bat-caved) and went after learning the Cobb Hollywood 16 added four more theaters for last night's midnight screened madness. The manager told me they didn't have eight prints of the movie but were rather doubling up their four prints for dual projection. Interesting concept, and they almost pulled it off - SOUND WAS TERRIBLE. Not unlike a faulty DVD hookup where the music track is louder than the diegetic sound, muffling a chunk of the dialogue (even during key moments in the final minutes of the movie).

As expected, droves of people nearly sold out EIGHT theaters in Tuscaloosa, AL. Some dressed up; I saw a few Batmen, some Jokers, and one patron told me they saw a Harley Quinn - wishful thinking on her (I hope) part.

Was it good? Yes. Look for a longer review later today. Warning: it will be SPOILER-HEAVY. Do not read it unless you've seen it or are a masochist. It's just time to talk about it is all.

I'll certainly see it again - it merits another watch, not just because - hoping for clearer sound. Cobb loses major points on presentation, but I'm guessing the dual projection had a lot to do with it. Can't fault them for housing a bigger audience with huge demands.

Keep a look out for that review.

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